Monday 12 July 2010

I'm Dying Mummy!!! Help!!

Last night was the start of many things to signify my boys growing up.

Plainly put, D got a nosebleed. I am one of those peculiar people who has never had a nosebleed. And from the looks of our bathroom/slaughterhouse yesterday circa 8pm, I never want one either.

He was terrified bless him. Screaming at the top of his lungs for me, I knew something was wrong with the way he shouted for me. I bolted up stairs and my son was covered in blood. I inwardly freaked for a split second and realised it was a nosebleed. His little brother was crying to, he hates the sight of blood, which is odd, considering that he is usually the cause of blood in our house.

I maneouvred D to the sink, where a sudden gush made it look like I'd slit a pig's throat in there within seconds. I held his head forward over the sink, with strict instructions to STAY LIKE THAT, and belted down the stairs to phone my mum, and look on nhs direct at the same time.

My mum sounded as if I'd interrupted her nightly tv viewing, which I probably had, but who cares? Emmerdale lost it's appeal to me when I was seven and I realised i couldnt stand it. She told me to look on the internet and let her know how things panned out. (After corrie of course!)

The nhs direct website is fab, it gives you symptoms causes treatments and it's just cool. Very helpful. It told me to pinch D's nose together for 10 minutes to clot the blood and stop it flowing. Then, it told me to make sure he sat upright for the next few hours. Erm, I disagree, NHS. Its nine pm and he will be one tired little boy come 7am when he has to get up for shool. So we missed that bit out. And after twenty minutes of firm gentle reassurance that he merely had a nosebleed and wasn't dying, he went to bed.

The funniest bit of the entire incident was J, using wipes to clean the blood off everything in sight, while sticking his pink little tongue out the side of his mouth, and exclaiming every few minutes 'Blood has germs, we need to clean it up'.

Where the hell did a five year old pick THAT information up????

Next time on Messy Mummy.....

The day the guineapig and rabbit came home and mummy was scared of picking them up....

Saturday 3 July 2010

Lonely Planet

It's pretty lonely in my neck of my woods most of the time. The friends I have made recently are all busy with their own families over the summer and my best friend is spending time with her OH who lives far away from us, so I'll leave them be for the weekend. They don't get much time together.

I'm one of those people that can be lonely in a crowded room. I could sit in Wembley Stadium and not say a single real thing to a single person. I can converse quite well, in fact I never shut up. But running quietly under the jibber jabber, like a Ferrari engine waiting for it's gas to be depressed, my actual voice sits silent. Everybody seems to ask, hey are you okay? They don't want a real answer. What they are actually saying to you is don't load me with your issues, be fine, and everything will carry on as usual. British stiff upper lip and all that.

Well this British stiff upper lip is beginning to grate a bit. I have counted the last real thing I said to someone. It was my best friend. I won't tell you what I said. TMI and stuff. But that was a few days ago. I haven't seen any other friends in person for months and I feel so isolated. I have a window next to the computer that looks out onto the main drag. Oh. that sounds all industrial, but it's nice honestly. Mature trees and plants, plenty of people going about their lives.

And me. Sat here listening to my 45GB of Itunes music, with my life stuck on Pause, until 21st September at the very earliest, when I start Year 2 of my degree. I must be the worst student in the world because i literally CAN'T.WAIT to start back.

Someone save me from drowning in my sea of silence.