Sunday 18 October 2009


I borrowed this from momtothescreamingmasses. I shouldnt think she'll mind.


A – ADVOCATE FOR: Lie-ins once a week, and kfc delivery.

B – BEST FEATURE: My eyes, i like my arms and legs from the knee and elbow down lol. My feet are not un-pretty, and my boobs kick arse in a good bra.

C – COULD DO WITHOUT: Internet stalkers on Facebook, arguing kids, a kid who knows everything, he said so, er, stupid blog for uni. Housework!!

D – DREAMS & DESIRES: Healthy happy lives for me and my children and close friends and family. To own a car without going into debt for it. Find a man who’s worth it.

E – ESSENTIAL ITEMS: My bag, which contains my phone, my earphones for my phone, my keys, my lipgloss, my purse, my uni stuff, photos of my kids and usually chocolate and a bottle of the finest diet coke.

F – FAVORITE PAST TIME: Watching old tv reruns of anything from 1980 onwards. Spending time with my kids, just us indoors/outdoors. Reading good books. Eating good food.

G – GOOD AT: I’m a halfway decent writer (ive even been told i’m funny on my blog!), cooking without the pressure, sleeping, keeping levelheaded in a crisis.

H – HAVE NEVER TRIED: Ocean swimming, im scared of fish. Extreme sports.

I – IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS: Pay off debts, do my house up, take my close family on a fantastic holiday, buy a gorgeous car.

J – JUNKIE FOR: Chocolate. Cookies. Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food. Italian. Food and sugar in general.

K – KINDRED SPIRIT: Who knows? I identify most closely with Teri Hatcher or some other dizzy chick off the tv.

L – LITTLE KNOWN FACT: I have scars from two c sections.

M – MEMORABLE MOMENT: The birth of my kids. Leaving my ex. Getting into uni.

N – NEVER AGAIN WILL I: cut my hair short. Let a man hurt me.

O – OCCASIONAL INDULGENCE: I very rarely get a full day to myself, to just chill out, go to town, watch tv, have coffee with mates, without rushing round like a headless chicken to get to lectures, pick the kids up etc, that i love it when the opportunity presents itself, and do not feel guilty about it either.

P – PROFESSION: Mom, blogger, uni student.

Q – QUOTE: ‘To live is so startling, it leaves little time for anything else’. Emily Dickinson

R – REASON TO SMILE: I have the house to myself tonight, I like the quiet. I’m blogging. I have been given opportunities recently that I no longer thought possible, and my kids are happy healthy adjusted and sleeping at my mums house tonight.

S – SORRY ABOUT: Taking so long to realize when something is bad for me. Not being home now when kids want me there. Being a shitty cleaner. Not being able to stay on top of the laundry.

T -THINGS THAT ARE WORRYING YOU RIGHT NOW: Money. The reading and essays for uni. How to pay for Christmas. My house is half finished, but hey, ive only lived here six years in December!

U – UNINTERESTED IN: Sports, unless its womens gymnastics. Any kid programme. Chores. Folding laundry. Listening to the same story over and over and over again. People whining they are skint when they got back from a holiday abroad two days ago.

V – VERY SCARED OF: people dying and/or leaving. Fire. Flood. Natural disaster in general. Failing university.

W – WORST HABITS: I let housework pile up. I sometimes agree with my sons because Im busy with my own stuff, and didn’t know what i was agreeing to. Sorry lads. They may use this against me in later life.

X – X MARKS MY IDEAL VACATION SPOT: Anywhere with a bit of culture, on my own. Anywhere that’s clean safe and fun, with my sons. In that order.

Y – YUMMIEST DESSERT: Icecream. Or thorntons chocolate that don’t need to be shared.

Z – ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces.



  1. Wow that's some list!

    I have another meme/award for you at mine:

  2. oops, ive been so busy and scatterbrained ive only just seen this comment sorry! i will do it right now. and tag you back.
