Monday 26 October 2009

Stolen Meme

Right, so I owe you guys a post, and the issue I'm dealing with right now is still way too fresh to have salt poured over it by me typing about it just yet. I will get to it but not today.

I have come across a blog today called Sunday Stealing, it rocks! They steal meme's from other bloggers who beg/borrow/steal from other bloggers and so on, and so forth. Here's one from ages ago. It was on Sunday Stealing, who borrowed (!) it from Carmen over at MomtotheScreamingMasses. Check them both out! Especially Carmen's archives, that woman is too funny!

1.What is a nickname a former lover gave you? Er, embarrassing moment here. Wench. It was wench alright. Not too sure why I was bequeathed that particular endearment. He had other names for me. Fluff, Baby, and later on, my personal fave - Jealous Evil Bitch. Which I was at the time. So I did my personal best to live up to the label.

2.How do you style your hair? Well, it depends what occasion I'm going to, how much time, whether I can be bothered, etc. I generally wear it blowdried and straightened with GHD's ( I puffy heart my straighteners), and then whack in a ponytail or a few slides. Then on special occasions, I might curl it with my straighteners, do a quiff, plait it, im currently trying to grow it long enough for a proper plait. The one thing I wish i could do on my own hair is a french plait. My sister does a mean french plait. I also never dye my hair. Ever. I have a colour that is hard to cover but noone else has my colour hair.

3.What's your least fave Christmas song? Rocking around the Christmas Tree. I can't stand forced jollity. My fave however is any of the original<<<< Chipmunks Christmas songs.

4.How many colours are you wearing right now? Er grey t shirt grey n pink socks, black thong, black bra and er, is denim a colour? lol

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert? I'd say both depending on time, place and how well i know the people i'm with.

6. What was the last book you read? Breaking Dawn, for the bajillionth time.

7. What's one piece of fiction that changed your life? The twilight saga. It made me realise that somewhere out there there is the perfect man (or vampire) for me, so I refuse to settle for any crap man beforehand.

8. If you are attracted to someone who is already in a relationship (or married), what might do you do? Suffer in silence.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently? Yes, being single has made me unhappy in ways I can barely imagine. Yet, it was the best thing that could ever have happened. That's another story on it's own though, and the post I'm currently working on, but can't share just yet.

10. What's your favorite dessert? Anything with sugar and chocolate and you're onto a winner with me.

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Anything from five minutes to two hours depending on what I have planned that day, who I'm going to see, where I'm going , and my letdown - how many times I'd pressed snoooze when the alarm rang lol

12. Name one website that you visit daily. Why do you read it? there are a handful I visit daily, for various reasons. University email, in case I have anything that needs tending to,Student BlackBoard, for the same reason, Facebook, because I simply can't help myself, I'm an internet curtain-twitcher! MomtotheScreamingMasses, because a few years ago, I sat for three weeks and read her entire archive, and she made me feel so happy for her and so sad, I rooted for her for stuff that happened before I read it, she's ace, Better Now because i feel like we may be kindred spirits if we ever met, and my student loan company account, because they need to get off their collective arses and PAY  me already.

13. What was your last job before either you are at home or at another job?? I was at home before going to uni, and I was a health trainer before that.

14. Do you like to clean? I used to hate it, but I must be turning into my mother, I actually like it now that it doesnt take over my life. I never used to clean, so when I did it took ages and was totally soul-destroying. I turned my habits round after kicking my ex out two years and havent looked back, except to kick the door shut behind the useless idiot.

15. What was the last song to get stuck in your head? Gavin Degraw, the one tree hill theme song.

16. What's the last movie you saw? er twilight at the pictures, god i need to get out more, and funnily enough twilight at home too. What do you mean, do i have a problem?

17. Pirates or Ninjas? Pirates. Hello??? Johnny Depp??

18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do everyday? Make decisions and deal with everything, money, tantrums, housework, cooking on my own.

19. Best time of your life? Right now, baby!

20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming year? Christmas, for the looks on my sons' faces Christmas morning, my cousins wedding, because its about damn time he got settled, Halloween, because a reader of mine is celebrating her birthday (shout out to K! I love you! U rock! xxx) and I'm dressing up as a cheerleader, a dead one.

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