Wednesday 14 March 2007

Hi All!

You may have learnt a little about me from the profile, but wait! There's more!! Since just after Christmas, when I stumbled across Momtothescreamingmasses, I have ummed and aahed about creating my very own blog. I was ultimately terrified that
a) no-one would read it
b) I'd hardly ever have anything to say for myself

Anyway, the half of me that writes with abandon is present and correct. I'm sure the other half (the terrified half of me) will be along shortly. This will be my first post, no drafts or anything like that, just pure unaltered moi.

I should tell you a little about my life as I know it. Well, I'm a walking cliche for a start. They're always fun! Teenage mum, two kids by 21, dropping out of college and bugging everyone starting with my own parents. Oh, yeah, must not forget borderline homeless twice. Through every fault of my own, if some people are to be believed. Which, they aren't, the sun doesn't shine out of their lowest sphincter, contrary to popular belief. On that issue, some mistakes were mine, I admit that.
But, damn it , the in-laws, even as a stereotype , are hard to live with.
DISCLAIMER: (-tee-hee-)
(For any relatives or inlaws that ever stumble across this blog, unlikely but you never know, don't take this personally, everyone has their faults, including me. This is my blog, and I will say what I like, if you don't like it, get your own damn blog!!!)

Let's see, how to begin, how to begin?? Hmmm. Well, I will start with the sum up of the first few years in one big chunk next post. Not that anyone's on the edge of their seats or anything.

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